Petra Ahrweiler and Nigel Gilbert (2005)
Caffè Nero: the Evaluation of Social Simulation
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 8, no. 4
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Received: 02-Oct-2005 Accepted: 02-Oct-2005 Published: 31-Oct-2005
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Figure 1. Interior view of Caffè Nero |
Table 1: Comparing simulations | |||
Caffè Nero Simulation | Science Simulation | ||
Target | Venetian Café | "Real System" | |
Goal | Getting "the feeling" (customers) and profit (owners) from it | Getting understanding and/or predictions from it | |
Model | By reducing the many features of a Venetian Café to a few parameters | By reducing the many features of the target to a few parameters | |
Question | Is it a good simulation, i.e. do we get from it what we want? | Is it a good simulation i.e. do we get from it what we want? | |
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