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Petra Ahrweiler

PD Dr. phil. Petra Ahrweiler was trained in sociology, political science and journalism. PhD 1994 in the area of science and technology studies (Free University of Berlin, Germany), Habilitation 2000 at the Faculty for Sociology (University of Bielefeld, Germany). 1998-2001 member of EU-Project "Simulating Self-Organizing Innovation Networks" at IWT, University of Bielefeld, Germany. Currently working as leader of the research group "Innovation Networks" at the Research Centre Media and Politics, University of Hamburg, Germany.

Research Centre Media and Politics
Institute for Political Science
University of Hamburg

Email: ahrweiler@sozialwiss.uni-hamburg.de
Web: http://www.sozialwiss.uni-hamburg.de/publish/IpW/Workgroups/Medien/MitarbeiterInnen/Petra/Ahrweiler.html

Nigel Gilbert

Nigel Gilbert read for a first degree in Engineering, intending to go into the computer industry. However, he was lured into sociology and obtained his doctorate on the sociology of scientific knowledge from the University of Cambridge. His research and teaching interests have reflected his continuing interest in both sociology and computer science (and engineering more widely). Since 1998, he has also been Pro Vice-Chancellor for Staff Development at the University of Surrey. He is President of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA) and Editor of JASSS.

Department of Sociology
School of Human Sciences
Stag Hill
United Kingdom

Email: n.gilbert@surrey.ac.uk
Web: http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/nigel_gilbert.htm


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