Günter Küppers and Johannes Lenhard (2005)
Validation of Simulation: Patterns in the Social and Natural Sciences
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 8, no. 4
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Received: 02-Oct-2005 Accepted: 02-Oct-2005 Published: 31-Oct-2005
The validation problem is an explicit recognition that simulation models are like miniature scientific theories.
(Kleindorfer and Ganeshan 1993, 50)
Validation of simulation models is thus the same as (or least analogous to) validation of theories. (Troitzsch 2004)
Assessment of transformational accuracy (verification), assessment of behavioral or representational accuracy (validation), and independently assuring sufficient credibility (certification) of complex models and simulations pose significant technical and managerial challenges. (Balci 2003)
three general circulation models (…) were used for parallel integrations of several weeks to determine the growth of small initial errors. Only Arakawa's model had the aperiodic behaviour typical of the real atmosphere in extratropical latitudes, and his results were therefore used as a guide to predictability of the real atmosphere. This aperiodic behaviour was possible because Arakawa's numerical system did not require the significant smoothing required by the other models, and it realistically represented the nonlinear transport of kinetic energy and vorticity in wave number space. (Phillips 2000, xxix)
"It is my goal to take the best models and compute the last hundred thousand years. And if they succeed to simulate the rapid changes, ice-ages, that occurred in the past, yes, then I have hundred percent confidence" (transcript from interview).
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Figure 1. Mean global temperature, observed and estimated, from IPCC Assessment Report |
The shaft shows a good fit between observed and retrospectively predicted data. This fit is taken to validate the prediction — the substantial rise of the mean temperature.
There has never in the history of Economics and Management Science been a correct forecast of macroeconomic or financial market turning points or turning points in retail market sales. I know less about sociology, but my reading of the journals in that field suggests that no sociological theory offers systematically well validated predictions, either. (Moss 2003)
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Figure 2. Predicted precipitation in US according to Canadian (upper part) and UK (lower part) simulation model |
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