Francesc S. Beltran, Laura Salas and Vicenç Quera (2006)
Spatial Behavior in Groups: an Agent-Based Approach
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 9, no. 3
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Received: 14-Nov-2005 Accepted: 22-Apr-2006 Published: 30-Jun-2006
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where Zi is the subset of agents perceived at time t by agent i and from which agent i keeps non-neutral ideal distances; m is the maximum possible real distance, given the dimensions of the room, and is used to rank dissatisfaction between 0 and 1; wij(t) weighs the discrepancy between the real and ideal distance; dij(t) is the current real distance between agents i and j at time t; and Dij(t) is the ideal distance agent i wants to keep from agent j at time t (for details, see Quera, Beltran, Solanas, Salafranca, & Herrando 2000).
Pij(t+1) = Pij(t) + r·k·T2/tp | (2) |
Sij(t+1) = Sij(t) + r·k·T2/tm | (3) |
Pij(t+1) = Pij(t) + r·k·T2/ts Sij(t+1) = Sij(t) + r·k·T2/ts | (4) |
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Figure 1. Interface screen of P-Space. A room with five agents is shown in the upper left section. The lower left plot shows the agents' dissatisfactions as a function of time. Ideal and real distances between agents as a function of time are shown in the lower right 5 × 5 grid. The upper right section of the screen displays the room to scale, where frequency of occupation is represented using color codes in a real screen. Also, different colors are used for identifying agents and their trajectories. |
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Figure 2. Pseudocode of program P-Space, indicating how ideal, personal, and social distances are updated according to changes in real distance between the agents |
Table 1: Parameter T and k values used in the simulation | ||
Condition | Parameter T | Parameter k |
A | 100 | 0.5 |
B | 100 | 0.05 |
C | 10 | 0.5 |
D | 10 | 0.05 |
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Figure 3. Evolution of personal, social, and real distances over time under simulation conditions A, B, C, and D. Distances for Agent 1 were governed by parameters T and k, which are shown in the figure. Agent 2 was immobile and neutral |
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Figure 4. Evolution of personal and social distances over time for conditions A, B, C, and D. Distances for Agent 1 were governed by parameters T and k, which are shown in the figure. Agent 2 was neutral and moved randomly |
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Figure 5. Evolution of personal and social distances between Agents 1 and 2 over time during the simulation |
Table 2: Values of parameters T and k. The ideal distances for each agent (rows) towards each other agent (columns) was computed in accordance with T and k values under conditions B, C, and D (for more details, see Table 1) | ||||
Agent | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | ||
Agent | 1 | - | B | C |
2 | B | - | C | |
3 | D | B | - | |
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