Matthias Meyer and Klaus Hufschlag (2006)
A Generic Approach to an Object-Oriented Learning Classifier System Library
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 9, no. 3
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Received: 31-Mar-2006 Accepted: 01-Apr-2006 Published: 30-Jun-2006
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Figure 1. Simplified scheme of the library's main classes |
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Figure 2. Steps for building a classifier system using the library |
Example 1: Building a genetic algorithm using the library | |
Code | Explanation |
Public void GA() { | Method-header, then random choice whether or not to run GA. |
Random r = new Random(); | |
if (r.nextDouble() < getrho()) { | |
ClassifierSystem pool = (ClassifierSystem) this.clone(); | Make working-copy of this CS and generate new CS as set of victims (pool) to enable random drawings (without putting back). |
ClassifierSystem victims = new ClassifierSystem(); | |
for (int lauf = 1; lauf <= getNumVictimsGA(); lauf++) { | Select given number of victims by roulette-wheel choice (here with inverted probabilities), remove them from working copy of CS and add to set of victims. |
StandardClassifier victim = (StandardClassifier) | |
pool.RoulettewheelChoice("getStrength", true); | |
pool.remove(victim); | |
victims.add(victim);} | |
ClassifierSystem offsprings = new ClassifierSystem(); | Generate new CS as set of offsprings |
for (int lauf = 1; lauf <= getNumVictimsGA(); lauf++) { | Select given number of classifiers as offspring using (normal) roulette-wheel choice, remove them from working copy of CS. Strength of offspring is set to half, as classifiers get duplicated (according to ZCS-instruction). Add copy of offspring-classifiers to set of offspring-copies. |
StandardClassifier offspring = (StandardClassifier) | |
pool.RoulettewheelChoice("getStrength", false); | |
pool.remove(offspring); | |
offspring.setStrength((offspring.getStrength() / 2)); | |
offsprings.add((StandardClassifier) offspring.clone());} | |
if (r.nextDouble() < chi) { | With given probability, start a pair wise mating-process of the classifiers in offspring set of offspring-copies. |
offsprings = offsprings.crossover();} | |
offsprings = offsprings.mutation(my); | Initiate mutation of the offspring-copies (after crossover) with given probability. |
remove(victims); | Remove victims from original CS. |
add(offsprings);}} | Add processed offspring to original CS. |
Example 2: Defining symbols, languages, classifiers and LCS | |
Code | Explanation |
Language lang1 = new Language("BasicLang"); | Definition of language (lang1). |
lang1.add(new Symbol("0")); | Symbols are defined and added to Language lang1. |
lang1.add(new Symbol("1")); | |
Language lang2 = new Language("ConditionLang"); | 2nd language (lang2) gets defined; all members of lang1 are added. In addition, a wildcard symbol gets defined and added to lang2. |
lang2.add(lang1); | |
Symbol wild = new Symbol("#"); | |
wild.addMember(lang1); | |
lang2.add(wild); | |
StandardClassifier c1test = new StandardClassifier(new Rule( new StandardSituation(lang2, 10), new StandardSituation(lang1,10)), 1); | A classifier of type StandardClassifier is defined, nesting definitions of a Rule and of two StandardSituations with given languages and determined length. |
ZLCS testsys = new ZLCS("Test", c1test, 400, true); | A new LCS of the ZLCS-type is instantiated, using the defined classifier as a sample for generating rules. The size of the LCS is 400 classifiers and the initial set is randomized. |
testsys.setgamma(0); | Setting further parameters |
2 This library will also be provided as open source. See footnote 14 for details.
3 This complexity of control flows in computer simulation models led to the development of "Simula" programming language in 1967, as one of the origins of object-orientation (see Janßen and Bundschuh 1993). Moreover, because the control flow can become a matter of research in itself, classic procedural approaches in such cases fail to meet their objectives.
4 For a methodological discussion see Lindenberg (1992), who suggests a stepwise development of assumptions as a "method of decreasing abstraction".
5 For a detail description of these different classifier systems see Holland et al. (1987), Wilson (1994) and Butz and Wilson (2002). For a direct comparison, see Bull (2004).
6 Mutation also can be used for altering environment states represented by a Situation-object.
7 Example 1 in the Appendix shows how the ZLCS class uses inherited functions — especially selection and manipulation of sets of classifiers — to implement its genetic algorithm.
8 Additional, as a practical side aspect, integration with Repast needs no further requisites.
9 For the first step, the library itself comes with a ZCS implementation (ZLCS-class) that can be used as a ready-made LCS, but is mainly intended as an example of building a specific classifier system achieved by deriving it from the ClassifierSystem-class.
10 The steps are also shown in Example 2 presented in the Appendix.
11 See Marengo (1992). The replication is part of the SILC-Project, which is a cooperation of members of the chair of Controlling and Telecommunications at the Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar (Bernd-Oliver Heine, Klaus Hufschlag and Matthias Meyer) and the Institute for IS Research of the University Koblenz-Landau (Klaus Troitzsch and Iris Lorscheid). The main objective of this project was to acquire knowledge of how to use LCS for modelling individual and organisational learning.
12 This is a translation of the working title of the PhD project of Bernd-Oliver Heine (in German: Konzeptionelle Nutzung von Controllinginformationen — ein modelltheoretischer Ansatz").
13 Translation of the working title of the PhD project of Klaus Hufschlag (in German: "Informationsstrukturen bei begrenzter Rationalität").
14 A zip-File of the library's source code can be downloaded at
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