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Michael Barber

Michael Barber has a B.S. and Ph.D. in physics. His main research interests are in the statistical physics of complex systems, networks, and biological computation. He is a postdoctoral member of the Center for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Madeira in Portugal.


Email: mjb@uma.pt
Web: http://http://www.uma.pt/Investigacao/Ccm/

Philippe Blanchard

Pilippe Blanchard is professor of physics at the University of Bielefeld and member of the Research Center Bielefeld-Bonn-Stochastics (BiBoS).

Universitaetsstr. 25

Email: blanchard@physik.uni-bielefeld.de
Web: http://http://www2.physik.uni-bielefeld.de

Eva Buchinger

Eva Buchinger is sociologist, senior researcher at the ARC systems research GmbH and lecturer at the Technical University of Vienna. Her research interests include technological innovation, science & technology policy and complex system modeling. She is editorial board member of the Austrian Journal of Sociology and member of the managing-committee of the Austrian Association of Sociology.

Tech Gate Vienna
Donau-City-Strasse 1
1220 Wien
, Austria
A-1220 Wien

Email: eva.buchinger@arcs.ac.at
Web: http://www.systemsresearch.ac.at/

Bruno Cessac

Bruno Cessac has a doctorate in theoretical physics. In his research, he develops methods for the analysis of dynamical systems on graphs, describing the evolution of a large number of units interacting in a nonlinear way. These methods combine dynamical system theory, ergodic theory, statistical mechanics and numerical simulations. He has published in various fields such as neural networks, self-organized systems, signal transmission in non linear networks. He is currently collaborating with mathematicians, biologists, data processing specialists and sociologists. He is permanent lecturer in Physics, at Nice University (France) where he teaches statistitical physics, non linear physics, probability theory, and computer programming.

Email: bruno.cessac@inln.cnrs.fr
Web: http://www.inln.cnrs.fr/~cessac/

Ludwig Streit

Ludwig Streit is director of the Centro de Ciências Matemáticas (CCM) at the University of Madeira and member of the Research Center Bielefeld-Bonn-Stochastics (BiBoS) at the University of Bielefeld.

Universidade da Madeira
Campus da Penteada
P 9000-390

Email: streit@uma.pt
Web: http://http://www.uma.pt/Investigacao/Ccm/


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