Paul Guyot and Shinichi Honiden (2006)
Agent-Based Participatory Simulations: Merging Multi-Agent Systems and Role-Playing Games
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
vol. 9, no. 4
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Received: 27-Jul-2006 Accepted: 02-Sep-2006 Published: 31-Oct-2006
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Figure 1. The MAS/RPG process (from Barreteau and Bousquet 2001) |
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Figure 2. A dual MAS/RPG process, with a cellular automata and a multi-agent system |
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Figure 3. Practical operation of JogoMan (from Adamatti et al. 2005) |
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Figure 4. Agent-based participatory simulation process |
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Figure 5. The user interface of SimCafé, an application based on Simulación |
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Figure 6. An agent-based participatory simulation. Each participant sits at a computer |
Figure 7. The assistant agent making suggestions and asking questions |
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